Individual & Couples Counseling

• You've suffered a trauma and
you can't seem to stop thinking
about it
• You have unexplained and
recurrent headaches,
stomach-aches or a rundown
immune system
• You're using a substance to cope​
• Your relationships are strained
• You always assume the worst
​• You mentally beat yourself up
​• You feel helpless when
you’re stressed
​• You tend to avoid
difficult situations
• Issues of grief and loss from
death, divorce, miscarriage, etc.
​• Your condition is causing
significant distress
​​• Your work or school life
is becoming affected.
Individual Therapy
Making the decision to call a therapist can be a scary one for many people. It usually happens when all other avenues have been explored and minimal change has resulted. Family, friends, and self-help books don't seem to be able to help us find the relief we want.
My role is not to be one more person telling you what you should or shouldn't do, but to help you discover what it is that you really want, and guide you in mapping out a path to get there. I provide the tools you need to help understand and ​maximize your strengths, and identify and eliminate whatever is holding you back from achieving your goals.​​Clients often tell me, after their first session, that they were apprehensive about talking to a professional, but that they quickly felt comfortable and at ease and were glad they decided to make the call. I provide my clients with a friendly, supportive, and confidential environment to help them move toward feeling happy and more satisfied with their lives.​
My Approach
My approach to therapy is based on understanding how people develop and grow and how changes in one's life can cause challenges. I am interested in how people’s thoughts and feelings influence what they do. As my clients increase their confidence and develop insight into what thoughts and feelings are keeping them from their goals, they begin to free themselves from unproductive patterns that keep them feeling “stuck”.

Couples Therapy
Research tells us that couples who are having difficulties wait approximately 6-7 years before they finally seek counseling. That's a long time to struggle and have problems go unresolved. Over time, couples may find themselves growing more distant, having more arguments that go nowhere, having less desire to be sexually intimate, and having difficulty communicating. Marriages can also become strained due to struggles related to blending two families into one, job loss, dealing with the impact of an affair, infertility, miscarriage, or postpartum adjustments. People can feel like they are failures because they can't seem to find their way back to feeling the way they did when they first fell in love, so they just give up.
I help couples understand that we are not born knowing how to make relationships work. We usually repeat the patterns we grew up with and then expect them to work in a partnership. As I work with couples, they learn to identify patterns of thoughts and behaviors learned in childhood that no longer serve them and move on to developing new, health patterns that create better ways of relating and communicating with each other. Once they understand their own patterns of behavior that they bring to their relationships, they start to let go of the anger and resentment from the past and work to reestablish more love and trust with their partner. I provide a warm, safe, non-judgmental environment for couples to learn to talk to each other, listen to each other, and find common ground on which to build a more solid foundation.
• You're afraid to speak up
• You argue about the same
things over and over again
• You feel criticized and put down
by your partner frequently
• You have difficulty being
vulnerable with your
significant other​
• Affection is withheld
as punishment
• You see your partner as
"the enemy"
• You're contemplating
(or having) an affair
• You're financially "unfaithful"
• One or both of you put your
children or others first.
• You’re basically living
separate lives
​• You and your partner have fallen
into a pursuer-distancer pattern
​• When you disagree you seldom
resolve your differences.
​• There are ongoing
relationship issues