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For  Appointments

(919) 660-0666

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Christine Davis
Certified Body Worker & Massage Therapist


I have worked with various athletes from organized sports to the Weekend Warriors - from children to adults- with the knowledge and understanding of various Intellectual and physical challenges, offering a variety of services to meet their needs.

What does my work provide a client?


Setting your goals and what you want to achieve through your session is essential to your outcome of relief, education, and/or physical being. 

Focusing on muscle maintenance through nutrition and tools where I can help you develop an approach for self care. 


Sensory focus: altering massage pressure, lighting, aroma therapy, weighted blanket, positioning of body during a time where calming central nervous system is the focus. 

Various tools or modalities that best fit your body’s needs and are most effective for you and your goals. 


Other Therapeutic benefits of massage:
  • Establish body awareness

  • Improve quality of sleep

  • Reduce Anxiety

  • Improve breathing

  • Blood circulation

  • Decrease pain perception

  • Regulate inflammation

  • Reduce muscle soreness and tension

My Services

bodyworkers near me
Swedish Massage

·A traditional Swedish massage therapy session involves a set progression of different kinds of massage strokes, and delivered with the aid of lotion or oil. The five strokes of Swedish massage include the following: effleurage, petrissage, friction, vibration, and tapotment.

Myofascial Cupping - Rock Pods

Cupping is an ancient form of working with tissue in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction.  Cupping can help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, and well-being, and as a type of deep- tissue massage. 

cupping therapy near me
​Fascial Movement Taping

Adults and Pediatrics. Kinesiology Tape used for purpose of pain management, decompression of tissue, and Neurosensory Input- functions of the nervous system.

massage therapy license
bodywork trauma therapy
Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy is performed without the use of oil and is often used at the beginning of a session, followed by oil-based techniques. Rather than sliding across the skin, the point is to deeply engage the tissues with pressure from the practitioner's hands and body weight letting myofascial tissues release themselves under the slow and sustained pressure. Most clients experience deep relief from this wonderful technique.

Orthopedic Massage

Uses a broad spectrum of techniques and approaches to treat soft tissue dysfunction. It integrates knowledge of pain and injury conditions with an understanding of the function of various massage techniques commonly used in the field. Orthopedic assessment, matching the physiology of the tissue injury with physiological effects of the treatment, treatment adaptability, and understanding rehabilitation protocol are all components of Orthopedic Massage.

FMT Rock Floss

Compressional Band Therapy is a manual technique that has been shown to improve range of motion, fluid movement, pain management, improved joint relationships and improved recovery rates. 

Manual Lymph Drainage

Lymph drainage is the gentle stroke techniques directed at lymph vessels just below the skin.  These strokes focus on increasing the flow of lymph through the body.  Lymph is the colorless fluid that is made in the body and surrounds all body tissues.  The Lymphatic System is important to the function of immune responses. 

IASTM Rock Blades

“Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation” benefiting pathological adhesions and speeding up healing.


Schedule An Appointment Today.

Chris Davis

Licensed thru the State of NC - LMBT #21845, BCTMB 
AMTA member since 2004​

Massage, Bodywork, and instruction can be accessed through Duke Health and Fitness Center in Durham, NC.

As part of the Duke University Health System, my appointments are made through Duke Health and Fitness Center on the Center for Living Campus, 3475 Erwin Rd, Durham, North Carolina, 27705 . 

bodyworks massage therapy

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DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, either directly or indirectly, to diagnose, give medical advice, or prescribe treatment for a health problem or disease. If you have or suspect you may have, a health problem, please consult with your physician or other licensed health care professional for medical diagnosis and treatment. Unless specifically referenced, the information provided herein has not been scientifically validated or approved by any government or regulatory agency.


© 2025 by Christine Davis. All Rights Reserved.

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